Learn about Kindness
There is constantly exciting, new research and information about strengthening and spreading kindness, compassion and empathy. To learn more about these key heart virtues, we recommend visiting the below websites.
Kindness.org: https://kindness.org/
Random Acts of Kindness: https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/
Envision Kindness: https://www.envisionkindness.org/
CCARE: http://ccare.stanford.edu/
Charter for Compassion: https://charterforcompassion.org/
Greater Good Science Center: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/
Support Community Kindness Projects
Donate. Your contributions help support and expand community kindness projects.
Think with Heart is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations to Think with Heart are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. To make a donation, please complete the credit card payment form or mail a check to Think with Heart. If you’d like to support a specific community kindness project, please use the “comments” section. Checks may be mailed to:
Think with Heart
P.O. Box 13142
Richmond, VA 23225

We are deeply appreciative of any amount you are able to give. Thank you for your generosity.